Jonathan’s input to our
programme is extremely
valuable.right quote mark
Jackie Burton
Practitioner Manager
Family Placement Team
The Royal Borough
of Greenwich


“Foster carers speak very highly of Jonathan's courses and they appreciate his use of humour and his approachability. I am particularly impressed by the practical application of theory in his courses. Many carers have asked in their personal development plans for more courses to be run by Jonathan. ”
John Finnegan, Learning & Development Officer — Fostering,
Tri-Borough Childrens Services
“Over the last fifteen years Jonathan Epps has delivered training which underlines ISP’s philosophy of understanding all behaviour as a form of communication. The content of his courses is consistently viewed by foster carers as thought-provoking, practical and valuable in their fostering task as well as in everyday life. Our young people, foster carers and staff deserve the best — which is why Jonathan has been and remains a very regular fixture on our training calendar!”
Toni Reedman, Head of Learning & Development PICS,
Integrated Services Programme
“The Camden Fostering Service and its foster carers continue to benefit from the skill and expertise Jonathan brings to each of the training programmes he delivers for our service. His training programmes are relevant, evidence based, and delivered in an informative and engaging manner. Feedback from our foster carers is always positive and Jonathan’s training is typically sought out by foster carers and supervising social workers alike. We have enjoyed working with Jonathan since 2003 and look forward to continuing to utilise his services in the future.”
Jane Cohen-Cramp, Fostering Team Manager, London Borough of Camden
“Jonathan Epps has worked with Tower Hamlets for the past eight years.  Foster carers appreciate his professional and respectful manner.  He actively demonstrates an understanding of working with foster carers from different cultures.  Jonathan is fully committed to promoting anti-oppressive practice within his training material, and he addresses the differences that diversity, ethnicity and culture bring. His thorough knowledge base and comprehensive approach to the courses Jonathan delivers is valued by the foster carers.”
Ishara Tewary, Fostering Manager, London Borough of Tower Hamlets 
© 2025 Curve Solutions

Tom O’Neill, Fostering Team Manager, London Borough of Hounslow talks about the benefits of working with Curve Solutions.

Foster Carer training

Understanding attachment

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Social Care Staff training

Stress management

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